DELTA – Digital Environments for Learning, Teaching, and Agency Facilities
Representative Courses in the DELTA Program:
CI 437, Educational Game Design - Examines the role that physical and digital games play in learning. Focuses on how people learn through play and how game structures support educational outcomes. Principles of game design are described and students apply them to the design of original games with a specified educational objective. Students learn to prototype, playtest, and evaluate the educational content of games. Surveys and samples games in the areas of serious games, persuasive games, games for impact, etc. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
CI 507, Learning and the Body - Intensive examination of problems and trends in the subject fields. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours.
EPSY/INFO 590, Engaging and Interactive Educational Technologies (Fall 2015)
CI 519: Methods of Child Study (Fall 2016)